We cut 50% off all plugins prices during our anniversary celebration
Offer ends 29th Apr

We cut 50% off all plugins prices during our anniversary celebration

Invoice template variables

Every object has various attributes that can be accessed via templates. For example, to access the address attribute of the invoice contact object, use {{ }}


Attributes id, name, first_name, last_name, middle_name, company, phones, emails, primary_email, website, skype_name, birthday, age, background, job_title, is_company, tag_list, post_address
Objects contact_company, company_contacts, avatar_diskfile, notes, address


Attributes address_type, street1, street2, city, region, postcode, country_code, country, full_address, post_address


Attributes id, number, order_number, invoice_date, due_date, subject, description, subtotal, tax_groups, amount, discount, discount_rate, discount_type, is_open?, is_estimate?, is_canceled?, is_paid?, is_sent?, has_taxes?, project, status, currency
Objects contact, lines

Invoice Line

Attributes id, position, description, price, price_to_s, tax, tax_to_s, quantity, total, total_to_s


Attributes bill_info, company, representative, info, logo
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