Redmine A1 theme

Great open and responsive theme with a featured header blocks, tags and status badges

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Total downloads: 88044


Redmine 5.1 - 4.0
Devices Desktop, Laptop, Mobile, Tablet
Displays Non-Retina, Retina, 4K
OS Linux, OS X, Windows, iOS, Androin, Windows mobile
Browsers Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer and Firefox
Over 140 000 companies from 120 countries use RedmineUP plugins, themes and services
Apple Inc.
Deutsche Telekom
Schneider Electic
Mitsubishi Electric


  1. Download the theme
  2. Unzip it into ../public/themes/. This would result in a directory-path to application.css like:


  3. You now may need to restart Redmine so that it shows the newly installed theme in the list of available themes.
  4. Go to "Administration -> Settings" -> "Display" and select your newly created theme in the "Theme" drop-down list. Save your settings.
  5. Redmine should now be displayed using the selected theme.
Customer story

I can fully recommend every plugin of RedmineUP. They save time, make Redmine a great CRM, and the team around RedmineUP is very helpful. Go give it a try. It is worth it!

— Christoph Ackerman, CEO


Last update (Dec 08, 2022, Version: 4.0.0)

  • Supported Redmine versions: 5.2 - 1.0
  • Redmine 5 support
  • New action buttons style new
  • Badge position fixes
  • Checkbox group styles
All updates