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Contacts Macro Postponed
Currently the Contact Macro is bindet to a Static ID or a Name. The macro could be used better if...
[CRM plugin] Notes formatting options Planned
To whom it may concern, I would like to make a request to add additional feature to CRM plugin...
Add Compnay contact field to project list query
In the project list, in the options section of the query, it is necessary to add the contact comp...
CRM plugin - Saved queries saving the List Style in Deals
The Deals view allows to save queries as many other views / pages.It would be great to include ...
CRM plugin - Deals export including notes
I have tried to export deals as a CSV file. I have found that the CSV includes a very limited amo...
CRM plugin: Mandatory reason for "Closing Lost"
When a deal is lost, it is very useful to keep track of the reason.It would be very useful to h...
CRM Contacts: this contact does not belong to the company anymore
Sometimes a contact in a customer company moves to another company. After that, the new company b...
CRM plugin - Ability to configure the default display columns if Table selected
The CRM plugin allows to set what is the default List Style when you first open the Deals view. T...
CMS plugin connecting form to Contacts in CRM plugin
It would be very useful to create a web page with the CMS plugin that includes a form to retrieve...
CRM plugin - adding tags to multiple contacts as a bulk operation
Adding tags to contacts is a very useful feature.Sometimes that same tag applies to several con...