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NoMethodError (undefined method `agile_sprints' for #<Project:0x0000xxxx>)
I have following problem when accessing the burndown chart. Can you help? redmine_1 | F, ...
Filter by sprint
Hello, I'm user of Redmine 4.0.2 and Redmine Agile plugin 1.5.1 PRO. How is it possible to ...
Share sprint with subprojects in Agile plugin
I manage a small team of developers, and our sprints mix a generic backlog of minor issues with i...
While using swim lanes group by assignee show users with no tasks
We found that if you configure the agile board to use swim lanes by assignee is possible to drag ...
Internationalization of CMS pages
I understand that pages generated with the CMS plugin can be localized. But how does it work? Are...
Using Agile Board Order in Issue Lists
Hi Is it possible to use the order from a backlog board in a common redmine issue lists?If y...
Installation Issue - Redmine Helpdesk plugin
Hi, I'm trying to install the Redmine Helpdesk plugin on a Redmine 2.6 with ruby 2.2.10, but...
Issue with tabs in redmine_contacts
The tabs are not showed correctly, buttons and information is lost after the switch between tabs...
Redmine Checklists PRO plugin
Is it all ok if I’m downloading and installing redmine_checklists-3_1_17-pro plugin and redmine s...
plugin redmineup_cms was not found
BITNAMI REDMINE STACK version 4.1.1 installed on my windows server, now we are installing the plu...
404 error when copying issues with active Agile module
Hi, i have a 404 error when I copy 2 or more issues. The error occurs when the Agile module is en...
Organization Chart not showing in full in People Plugin
I don't get a multi-level Org Chart in the Organization Chart view of the People Plugin. I have a...
Plugin redmine favorite project was not found.
Hi, I am trying to install plugins for Redmine version 4.1.1.stable, but getting error message...
Agile Plugin Not Working
I installed agile plugin but it is not working. Passenger Error Logs; Message from applica...
"Costs and rates" moved from People plugin to Budget plugin, but where is it?
The advertising for the People plugin ( says it in...
contacts internal error
when I click on "configure" in plugin page I've redmine error. in log I have: <pre>ActionView:...
redmine_finance Mysql2::Error: Table `block in rebuild_tree!'
12 BuildOperationsTree: migrating ========================================rake aborted!S...
My page stop working after install Agile Pro plugin
Hello, I installed the Agile Pro plugin, but after it "my page" stopped working when I added "Doc...
agile plugin doesn't work with easy redmine (easy gantt plugin) and etc..
agile plugin uses `alias_method`, and there is compatibility problem.Would you please check the...
Agile Plugin: Cannot search or load more issues from backlog column in Scrum Board (403 Forbidden)
When using the Scrum Board and enabling the backlog column one can observe that searching or load...
Installation problems (light version) Redmineup_tags and redmine_agile plugins in redmine 4.0.3
Hi, I have the following error when I install the redmineup_tag plugin : Installed version...
RedmineUP plugins break Redmine gravatar plugin
After installing the Helpdesk plugin PRO 4.1.5, CRM plugin PRO 4.2.6 and Agile plugin PRO 1.5.1 p...
RedmineUP Agile and easy wbs plugins don't seem to like each other :(
Hi there, I have the redmineUP Agile and easy wbs plugins installed side by side and everythin... internal server errors related to deal field
We installed the latest version and we get the following error even after db migrations (redmine ...
Agile Plugin: Cannot sort issues in backlog
When using the backlog module we stumbled upon an issue when trying to sort issues on the "unassi...