Assigne set automatically when ticket is edited and Assigne is not set


Roger Erni
Added 7 months ago

When a Ticket with no assigme is edited, the logged in user is automatically set as Assigne.

In case of our dispatching mode, we would like to leave the assigne unset until a user activley assignes it to himself.
Currently the <<me>> item is selected on Assigne when editing an active Ticket without assigne.

It would be great to be able to enable or disable this feature.

Kirill Bezrukov 7 months

This is more about Redmine core behaviour

Roger Erni 6 months

This is not Redmine core behaviour, as Redmine Core does not automatically assign a ticket to me when saving a not assigned ticket.
We have noticed this behaivour since the installation and use of redmine helpdesk up plugin.