Sales charts

Sales charts are available in the PRO version of the plugin since the Products release 2.0.5.

A list of available charts can be found on the sidebar of the Orders page.


Select a chart type to get visualization (colors are chosen randomly and reset every time a chart is refreshed). Use Chart Filters to specify the desired set of orders. Per default, this includes all orders from last month. Use Options to change chart type or to calibrate x-axis (Interval size).


Note: Click on a legend item (on the right of a chart) to exclude it from the chart. A strikethrough will appear on all excluded items (i.e. categories). Click again to include. This feature is available for all charts, even those with only one category like Order numbers .

Number of orders


This chart shows statistics about the number of orders per time interval.

Note: Мove the mouse pointer over a column to view the number of orders for that interval.

Total sales


This chart shows the total value of sales per currency per time interval. Each currency will appear in a separate column.

Note: Мove the mouse pointer over a column to view the number of sales for that interval and for that currency.

Average order value


This chart shows the average order value per currency per time interval.

Note: If multiple currencies are shown, you may get a chart where some graphics remain hidden behind other graphics. In such cases, it might be useful to exclude items from the chart using its legend.

Popular products


This chart shows the number of orders per product relative to all orders of the selected set. Useful to observe which products are most/least frequently ordered by customers.

Note: For both circle ("pie") diagrams, move the mouse pointer over a section to view the number of orders and percentage of the total for the corresponding product/category.

Popular categories


This chart will show the number of orders per category.

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