Managing order statuses

How to create and modify order statuses?

Go to Administration, Products, Order statuses tab.

order statuses.png

You can click on each status and modify its settings:

single order status.png

In order to add a new status, click on New order status.

new order status.png

Provide the name of it and choose a color. You can also make this status a default one or make it a closed status (meaning the order is closed).

You can also sort your statuses according to their importance.

How to use statuses?

When you create a new order, you can choose its status or stay with the default one. Later on, when you modify the order, you also change statuses.

add new order.png

When you go to the Orders view, you will notice that each of them has its status on the list. Also, you can group orders by status.

orders grouped by status.png

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