Redmine Resources plugin Product Updates

Our Resources plugin is constantly being developed to work better. Find all the latest updates to Redmine Resources plugin here.

Jun 21, 2024 (Version: 2.0.2)

  • Supported Redmine versions: 5.1 - 4.0
  • Added weekly and monthly display scales to the allocation chart new

Feb 08, 2024 (Version: 2.0.1)

  • Supported Redmine versions: 5.1 - 4.0
  • Dropped Redmine 3 support
  • Added People plugin day offs on charts new
  • Added utilization report new
  • Added totals calculation on edit booking modal new
  • Added workload in percents new
  • Added bookings sorting by issue priority
  • Fixed issue delete bug

Aug 24, 2023 (Version: 2.0.0)

  • Supported Redmine versions: 5.1 - 3.0
  • Added Issues allocation chart new
  • Changed chart names
  • Fixed collapse/expand icons

Jan 16, 2023 (Version: 1.0.8)

  • Added author field tooltip
  • Added REST API
  • Added Hungarian locale (Krisztian Engi, Lilla Basilides)
  • Added German locale (Carsten Stanusch)
  • Fixed diagram version tag position
  • Fixed collapsed/expended marks

Apr 11, 2022 (Version: 1.0.7)

  • Supported Redmine versions: 5.0 - 3.0
  • Redmine 5.0 compatibility
  • Fixed empty start date error

May 21, 2021 (Version: 1.0.5)

  • Supported Redmine versions: 4.2 - 3.0
  • Added Redmine 4.2 compatibility
  • Fixed resource chart bug
  • Fixed disabled projects ghost bookings bug
  • Fixed cross-projects displaying bug

Aug 12, 2020 (Version: 1.0.4)

  • Supported Redmine versions: 4.1 - 2.6
  • Light version added

Jul 20, 2020 (Version: 1.0.3)

  • Supported Redmine versions: 4.1 - 2.6
  • Added Week Plan chart new
  • Show notes for project bookings
  • Added Italian locale
  • Chinese locale fixes
  • Fixed global visibility bug
  • Fixed group assigned bug

Dec 19, 2019 (Version: 1.0.2)

  • Supported Redmine versions: 4.1 - 2.6
  • Ghost bookings for existed issues new
  • Added notification setting
  • Redmine 4.1 compatibility fixes
  • Fixed drag and drop bug
  • Fixed bug with People plugin compatibility

May 31, 2019 (Version: 1.0.1)

  • Supported Redmine versions: 4.0 - 2.6
  • Ajax resource diagram editing new
  • Booking bar splitting new
  • Issue dates frame validation

Feb 14, 2019 (Version: 1.0.0)

  • Supported Redmine versions: 4.0 - 2.6
  • Initial release
  • Resource allocation diagram
  • Global workday length setting
  • Weekends handling
  • My page personal Resources allocation widget