Help & Support
Error 500 when use redmine 4.2.0 with Agile plugin
Dear Admin I installed Redmine with infor below, but when I install plugin Agile plugin Light v...
Project Specific Tags Planned
It would be great if I could related tags to projects. Meaning, when I define a new Tag, I need t...
Dependencies problem with several redmineup plugins
Hi. I have a docker installation of redmine with several redmineup (light) plugins, and when I...
Checklist Pro plugin new feature
I would like to suggest a new feature that I believe would make the Checklist plugin even more he...
new gem redmineup makes RedmineUP Plugins unusable
The shortly released plugin versions for Agile and CRM depend on a gem named redmineup. In form...
Agile Plugin - when moving a story from backlog or between sprints, move children tasks as well On review
We organize development tasks as children of stories in the Agile plugin and when moving the pare...
Scope of tags
Currently, the scope of tags is system wide. A tag created in one project is available for all ot...
Agile Plugin Not Working
I installed agile plugin but it is not working. Passenger Error Logs; Message from applica...
Installation problems (light version) Redmineup_tags and redmine_agile plugins in redmine 4.0.3
Hi, I have the following error when I install the redmineup_tag plugin : Installed version...
RedmineUP plugins break Redmine gravatar plugin
After installing the Helpdesk plugin PRO 4.1.5, CRM plugin PRO 4.2.6 and Agile plugin PRO 1.5.1 p...
Display tags in agile board Implemented
Inside agile board can be useful to show tags (from Tags plugin
Helpdesk plugin - HTML features and compability with CKEditor
1) Receive HTML email with inline images and correctly display it in description part.2) Send q...
Tracker- and Project-specific Tags and Checklists
We would like to be able to limit both Tags and Checklists to be used only for specific Projects ...
Questions Plugin - Allow for search to include answers and responses to the questions On review
Currently the plugin functionality implements a search only in the table of questions (thematic a...
Display sub tasks as overlapping and shifted sub cards
In the Agile view it would be very helpful to display sub tasks as slightly shifted and overlappi...
New controlling plugin
Would be great to have a bit more statistics in RedmineUP ecosystem. For example: show in...
Create issue from agile board error
I'm trying to create an issue from agile board and get 404 error.Here are redmine logs:<pre>...
Redming Reporter Template Edit Page should keeps me in the same page after Save
Currently in the Report Template Edit Page, whenever I make a change and Save my changes, it take...
In Redmine Q&A plugin (PRO version), when I try to create a new question, I get an internal error.
The production.log when the error occurs is as follows Processing by QuestionsController#creat...
Error while create issue filter query
Hello, I have faced an error when creating query for issues. This is the log Processing by ...
Patch: Disable columns you can't move the issue to according to workflow
This patch adds a simple ui to kanban showing when you are trying to move an issue to a status th...
Improvement and automation of invoices - user rates
Hello team, We tried to issue invoices out of time entries and it does not add the RATEof th...
Telegram Integration Planned
It would be very useful if we would have a plugin which will integrate the issue lifecycle with a...
Recurring Tasks (circular) - Notifying and/or creating scheduled tasks!
Most of my IT projects are recurring, which means they will be repeated every month, every quarte...
Automatic invoice plugin
Currently we have the invoice plugin but it is useless. We're invoicing based on spent time...
Helpdesk plugin - Expand capture of multiple TO addresses with incoming issue email requests
Expand the capture of additional “TO” names from incoming support request emails so they can be ...
Agile plugin (backlog view) - add "project" label to the backlog points
This functionality allow to prepre backlog from multiple subprojects simultaneously. Add "project...
Display sprint name on Agile board card
To review tasks in a sprint, one can select the desired sprint on the scrum board.However, if o...
Support XRechnung/XML format for invoices
Dear RedmineUp-Team, for our clients it would be a mayor improvement if we'd provide invoices...
Different email templates for different invoice templates
If you have different brands you invoice, you need different email templates (text) At the mo...
agile plugin doesn't work with easy redmine (easy gantt plugin) and etc..
agile plugin uses `alias_method`, and there is compatibility problem.Would you please check the...
Redmine issues bulk edit throws exception in RedmineUP Tags plugin
Started GET "/issues/bulk_edit?ids%5B%5D=8071&ids%5B%5D=8143" for at 2019-04-18 06:...
New resource management plugin Implemented
Resource allocation with project and issue relation Error executing the thumbnail macro (Attachment default.png not found) {{...
Error after installation op Q&A plugin in Redmine 4.0.4
Hi! After installing the light version of the Q&A plugin, I recieve the following error while ...
Problem with redmine agile plugin
Hello. I upgraded to remine 4.0.x and upgraded the agile plugin as well. But when I try to open t...
Agile plugin: Adding the link to the ticket number to navigate to the ticket page.
Currently, ticket's subject links to the ticket page, though I am guessing this is by design, I t...
Tags: Tag cloud should include sub-projects
We have setup Redmine to include tickets of sub-projects in a projects ticket view. We would appr...
redmine_finance Mysql2::Error: Table `block in rebuild_tree!'
12 BuildOperationsTree: migrating ========================================rake aborted!S...
Agile Backlog
Hello, When i try to access to agile backlog page of a specific project, by example i'm on th...
While using swim lanes group by assignee show users with no tasks
We found that if you configure the agile board to use swim lanes by assignee is possible to drag ...
CRM plugin | Syncronotiation of contacts with a CardDav server
Is there a way to synchronise the contacts from CRM with a CardDav server? I have only found info...
Problem with Gem redmine_crm 0.0.62 after upgrade to Redmine 5.0.7
Updated redmine to the 5.0.7 version and follwed the steps at
Not able to download the plugin from the link that I have received in email.
Helpdesk Plugin - Send tickets from within Redmine to others than the sender of the ticket and including the entire content of the ticket
Tickets received from a requester by a helpdesk person on its email and forwarded to Redmine Help...
Reporter Plugin: images are not showed for subtask
After many problems with reports and images, I have verified with a simple template that the prob...
Checklist Plugin: Add possibility to use checklist template when creating issues via API
It would be nice to not only be able to add checklist items when creating an issue via the API, b...
Auto due date
We need an option that allows to automatically set a due date for a newly created issue. The H...
Redmine Reporter: Multiple email addresses when sending a report
About the "Send by email" functionality of the Reporter plugin, It would be very useful to send a...
Order issues by priority on "My Resource Assignments" In progress
I think good feature would be order issues in single day "My Resource Assignments" by priority. I...
Make Sprint property part of the Redmine workflow settings On review
I just noticed that the Sprint property doesn’t show up in the Workflow settings of Redmine and t...
Add Reporting/Export Feature for Budget Plug-in Data
We are using the Budgets plug-in and would like to be able to export the data shown on the Projec...
Contacts Plugin: change Tel to a Link
Would be great to have the telephone numbers in the Contacts Plugin as a clickable link in form o...
Group by in the Issues to be able to have value "Sprints" On review
add the capacity to group by sront field added by the agile plugin in issues section
Add WebDAV support/functionality to drive plugin In progress
It would be great, if you could develop WebDAV functionality for drive plugin. Or, as an alter...
Chat system by Bitrix24 example
Eng: Redmine is sorely lacking a real-time tracking system of what's going on in the task for ...
RedmineUP Agile and easy wbs plugins don't seem to like each other :(
Hi there, I have the redmineUP Agile and easy wbs plugins installed side by side and everythin...
relation "agile_ranks_pkey" does not exist
I am upgrading redmine-3.3 to redmine-4.0.3database: postgresql also, i have downloaded las...
CMS Plugin not working
After unzip Plugin_cms light in Plugins folder and Apache restart, dont load Redmine in the Brow...
Plugin incompatibility
Dear support, We bought Pro version of these plugins : Agile, Checklists, questions, zenedit...
Share sprint with subprojects in Agile plugin
I manage a small team of developers, and our sprints mix a generic backlog of minor issues with i...
Missing project field in Version plugin
Hi, In version 1.4.8 You change Version planning component - great, but it's missing one thin...
404 error when copying issues with active Agile module
Hi, i have a 404 error when I copy 2 or more issues. The error occurs when the Agile module is en...
checklist plugin not working on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
Hello, I have an issue with the checklist-plugin .Dimitar (Support) sended me a new plugin v...
rate currency will not follow settings in crm module?
after i configured major currency in crm settingsthe rate currency setting is not changed.
Chinese Character missing in invoice PDF
After installed all the pluginsnow we can export pdf in invoice pluginbut. all chinese and ot...
No Image problem exporting PDF
I already sent you a mail about this problem. I am using the Report Plugins.And i made the R...
Using Agile Board Order in Issue Lists
Hi Is it possible to use the order from a backlog board in a common redmine issue lists?If y...
redmine 4.2.3: redmine_cms 1.2.2: Breaks pdf thumbnails
With redmine_cms 1.2.2 installed, pdf thumbnails don't load correctly. After removing the plugin...
Migration Error when: upgrading CRM_light to PRO + adding HelpDesk PRO
Actually -- previous dry-run had run migrations, and second run didn't drop the DB table as it sh...
Redmine 4.2.3: redmine_questions plugin creates No route matches errors
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/plugin_assets/redmine_questions/javasc...
Agile Plugin: Cannot sort issues in backlog
When using the backlog module we stumbled upon an issue when trying to sort issues on the "unassi...
Update agile view automatically on update
I love the agile plugin. It provides a great interface for organizing and viewing progress on our...
Error in query when clicking in the 'Backlog' tab (/projects/[PROJECT_NAME]/agile_versions) [PRO PLUGIN VERSION]
When I activate the 'Agile Backlog' module in a project and try to go to the 'Backlog' tab, redmi...
profile image not displayed on CRM
Hi, I'm using Redmine 4.1.1.stable on Bitnami stack.Recently I installed CRM plugin 4.3.4 PR...
Installation Issue - Redmine Helpdesk plugin
Hi, I'm trying to install the Redmine Helpdesk plugin on a Redmine 2.6 with ruby 2.2.10, but...
Helpdesk summarizing issues for a given customer if there is already an open issue
I have set up the Redmine UP Helpdesk plugin and I'm creating the issues via API. But I would lik...
Redmine 4.2.1 - Plugin Agile
Hi, I've the following error when i click on Agile tab : <pre>F, [2021-05-31T19:45:58.983...
Favorite projects plugin 2.1.0 breaks projects quick search mask in Redmine 4.0.4
Hello everyone, today we updated our Redmine installation to version 4.0.4 and also the "favor...
Reporter Plugin Liquid Subtasks Not Working
I have been trying to figure this out for a few days and feel I must be missing something obvio...
"Costs and rates" moved from People plugin to Budget plugin, but where is it?
The advertising for the People plugin ( says it in...
Drive plugin ignores "Computer name" from general settings
Drive plugin ignores "Computer name" from general settings so all link url are http://redmine/red... website error: (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff)
On Firefox 94, I am getting errors fetching the jquery files for your website. The resource fr...
Zenedit doesn't work with CKeditor
Hi,I work with Redmine 4.1.1 (installed with the support of RedmineUP team). I have installed...
Agile plugin error when selecting <<current version>> and another version
In the Agile plug-in when we filter on the <<Current Version>> and select any other version we ...
Check Pivot Table page makes RedmineUP product plugin error only the new version 2-1-3
Rendering plugins/redmine_pivot_table/app/views/pivottables/index.html.erb within layouts/base ...
Agile plugin, filter by sprint on all issues
Hi, the sprint filter currently works in the project's issues list (/projects/name/issues), but n...
Redmine_people plugin error
After installing the plugin and restarting redmine, an error appears.<pre> 69: from bi...
Is it possible to limit the list of public tickets?
Is it possible to limit the list of past public tickets from 0 to whatever?
The sidebar of the project issue list page displays a maximum of 30 tags with redmineup_tags plugin
Hi. The sidebar of the project issue list page displays a maximum of 30 tags. It is very impor...
Attachments auto upload to drive?
We use RedmineUp in an inbound call-centre environment and have a dedicated email address to whic...
Plugin redmine favorite project was not found.
Hi, I am trying to install plugins for Redmine version 4.1.1.stable, but getting error message...
Redmine Circle theme download link returning 403
I tried to download Circle theme I got the e-m...
Redmine 4.2.3: zenedit plugin
Zenedit plugin appears to be causing [[test]] wiki tags from rendering in the Preview. I disab...
Show invoice line name and description
Hi. We have purchased the products and invoice plugin.Is it possible to add in the invoice t...
Advanced filter for issues
Currently the Redmine filter can only used with AND linking. An additional OR linking for filter ...
Agile Plugin Trackers for Story Point - Multiple selection required
hello. I have purchased and am using the full version of the Agile plugin.However, I would l...
Search by checklist items in tasks/Поиск по пунктам чек-листов в задачах Planned
It would be convenient if the general tracker search would also search by checklist items in task...
Make search among issues of closed/archived projects
If the project is closed and archived then it's issues are not in the set for search.It is the ...
Exporting information of the Products + CRM plugins On review
Hello!It would be nice to see the implementation of exporting information from the CRM plugin (...
Favorite projects module and filtering Postponed
Would like to enhance the Favorite Projects features by making the favorites more useful. - Ad...
Tag list access through REST API
Recently, we were implementing a user-support system of which Redmine was only a part. This syste...
Suggest adding 'export csv and pdf' feature to Favorite projects.
This feature is useful for organizing projects with specific filtering criteria into Excel or PDF...
Display client info on issue ticket
Using Custom Computer Fields plugin or similar, we'd like to automatically display Contact info o...
Take the address of the company and insert it automatically in the contact
A new option that makes some fields (for example the address) automatically be filled in a contac...
redmine Dark Theme
Hi, it would be great, if you could create a native redmine Dark Theme. Thank you.
When a ticket is created from an email, receipt is sent to people in Cc, but not to other direct recipients (on the To: line)
Usually, Reply All also replies to people in the "To:" section.
It should be possible to create a custom field of type "Order".
As a PM I want to link issues with specific orders we receive. For that purpose I would need to c...
Turn off email notifications directed to Groups I'm a part of
Would love to have an option to turn off email notifications for updates on Issues where a group ...
Use "Responsible" Contact field as filter for Issues
Use the Contact "Responible" field as a filter for Issues, so the user can view all Projects or I...
New permissions to edit and view price field in Products plugin
We need to hide the price attribute of a product for cetrain roles. It would be helful to also be...
Provide REST API for Drive plugin On review
Hi, it would be great, if you could provide REST API functionality for Drive plugin. Thank...
Helpdesk: Comments on Public Issues Page
When there are a lot of old issues in the righthand side bar, the user will probably not think ab...
Dependencies problem with several redmineup plugins
Hi. I have a docker installation of redmine with several redmineup (light) plugins, and when I...
Bulk change clears Sprint and Story points field
Hello!I would like to report a bug when doing a bulk change for multiple tickets, Sprint and St...
Add more Helpdesk reports
Currently there is only a report for "First response time" and "Busiest time of day". (https://ww...
Bulk creation of a checklist
Being able of creating a checklist by copying text separated with "enters" just like it is done f...
Redmine Tags REST API Access
Hi. Can the issue tags created with the extension be query with an REST API call?
Contacts Macro Postponed
Currently the Contact Macro is bindet to a Static ID or a Name. The macro could be used better if...
Ticket Source
When you create a new ticket in Redmine, the source will always be E-mail. We would love for ther...
Add "Teams" field to contacts
Similar to the "Skype" field. Also with an button to start a teams call directly.Team calls can...
Setting colors manually for tags and status columns in Agile
I would love to see an option to set the colors for the status columns manually instead of random...
auto-closed message
Is it possible to send a auto-closed message when the issue status is changed to „closed“?
Признак активности/неактивносту у контакта.
Мы используем поле "Компания" для указания в задаче для кого мы ее выполняем. Некоторые компании ...
Drive plugin install
Hi,I'm trying to install the drive plugin on Redmine version 5.1.1, but the following error occ...
Checklists full text search in items On review
We have lot of information stored in Checklists lines. However if I find for some of those inform...
[CRM plugin] Notes formatting options Planned
To whom it may concern, I would like to make a request to add additional feature to CRM plugin...
Add Compnay contact field to project list query
In the project list, in the options section of the query, it is necessary to add the contact comp...
Add custom field of type "operation" to tickets
You currently can't a custom field of type "Operation" in Tickets.This would be nice so you can...
Linking tasks in deals from a different project
In our company, we use Redmine Up's CRM to manage our sales through a project called "SALES." How...
CRM plugin - Saved queries saving the List Style in Deals
The Deals view allows to save queries as many other views / pages.It would be great to include ...
Outlook Email Access via Microsoft Graph API
Ability to access Outlook email (read/write) via Microsoft Graph API.
Unread Issues
We are searching a plugin to see/search/filter unread issues compatible with 5.x....Until now we ...
CRM plugin - Deals export including notes
I have tried to export deals as a CSV file. I have found that the CSV includes a very limited amo...
Invoices Plugin: Auto populate the client when creating invoice from issues
The invoices plugin allows to create an invoice automatically from one or several issues inside a...
Set common agile board as a default board per user
It would be good to have a possibility that any user could set an agile board (available for ever...
Custom Report schedules On review
I would like the feature of user-defined schedules for sending the reports. for example weekly ev...
NoMethodError (undefined method `agile_sprints' for #<Project:0x0000xxxx>)
I have following problem when accessing the burndown chart. Can you help? redmine_1 | F, ...
Check Pivot Table page makes RedmineUP Tags plugin error
Version Redmine 4.0.4.stable.18405 Ruby version 2.5.1-p57 (2018-03-29) [x...
PG::DuplicateTable: ERROR: relation "agile_colors" already exists
When trying to upgrade agile plugin to latest version, following the standard procedure for upgra...
warning: already initialized constant FCSV
I have just updated our Redmine to latest 4.1.1 and updated the RedmineUP plugins (PRO version) w...
Foot section stick to the bottom on invoice template
We need that our company administrative information keeps stick to the bottom of the invoice when...
Internationalization of CMS pages
I understand that pages generated with the CMS plugin can be localized. But how does it work? Are...
Filter by sprint
Hello, I'm user of Redmine 4.0.2 and Redmine Agile plugin 1.5.1 PRO. How is it possible to ...
Plugins /redmine_people, problema (undefined method `calculate_progress'
Cuando uso el plugin y tengo activado el rate, cuando se imputa en alguna tarea sale este error...
New Issues from Agile Boards doesn't respect Workflow
It appears that, when creating a new issue from an Agile Board, that you can create a new issue i... internal server errors related to deal field
We installed the latest version and we get the following error even after db migrations (redmine ...
plugin redmineup_cms was not found
BITNAMI REDMINE STACK version 4.1.1 installed on my windows server, now we are installing the plu...
Issue with tabs in redmine_contacts
The tabs are not showed correctly, buttons and information is lost after the switch between tabs...
No answer from Support Team since 2 weeks / CRM pro PlugIn
Hi Does everybody have the same problem as I have? I bought a Pro License for the CRM Plugin,...
could we implement transfer deal to order?
I think this design would be like:we got opportunity.when it win.we can transfer it into or...
Subcolums feature optimization
Implementing statuses names for subcolumns feature for Agile plugin inside Agile board > Options ...
contacts internal error
when I click on "configure" in plugin page I've redmine error. in log I have: <pre>ActionView:...
Redmine Checklists PRO plugin
Is it all ok if I’m downloading and installing redmine_checklists-3_1_17-pro plugin and redmine s...
No contacts from days from remineUP, are they still in business?
on 29th april 2021 i've sent an email to REDMINEUP, no answers.on 30th april 2021 've sent anot...
Plugins and Redmine 4.2
Officially all the plugins are only available up to Redmine 4.1 I saw the discussion about Ag...
Organization Chart not showing in full in People Plugin
I don't get a multi-level Org Chart in the Organization Chart view of the People Plugin. I have a...
Reporter Plugin Liquid Pulling Formatted Content
Hello, I am new to Liquid and am using it in the context of the RedmineUp Reporter Plugin. I a...
My page stop working after install Agile Pro plugin
Hello, I installed the Agile Pro plugin, but after it "my page" stopped working when I added "Doc...
Multiple select for CRM plugin
Hi, I recently installed CRM plugin 4.3.4 PRO, and it doesn't have button for select all.It ...
In Redmine Q&A plugin (PRO version), when I try to create a new question, I get an internal error.
The production.log when the error occurs is as follows Processing by QuestionsController#creat...
Tags v.2.0.13 and Agile v.1.6.5-lite plugins compatabilitie
Hello RedmineUp Team.Thank you for your cool plugins. I got an issue with latest redmine 5.0...
upgrade current installation
Hello,Is there a procedure to upgrade an existing installation ?thank you !
Contact live search ordering
Currently live search on Contacts (both in a Contact field, and on the Contact page) filters by e...
Tags for issue list grouping & agile board swimming lanes
I would like to have tags available for swimming lanes in agile boards, and/or grouping in the is...
Helpdesk plugin: Capture the scheduled time/date information from MS Outlook meeting invite
When the plugin receives a meeting invite from MS Outlook that it captures the scheduled time/dat...
Assigne set automatically when ticket is edited and Assigne is not set Postponed
When a Ticket with no assigme is edited, the logged in user is automatically set as Assigne. I...
Customer satisfaction : datas extraction
We are thinking of using the « Customer satisfaction » functionality.To process the results of ...
Add calendar week row to resource planning overview Implemented
Hi, it would be great if you could add the possibility to view an additional row, between the mon...
Set a default email address for Cc or Bcc in Helpdesk plugin On review
Current version of Helpdesk plugin allow us to add email addresses to cc and bcc fields when we r...
Send email to more than one addresses (not cc but To: field)
When we send email to more than one addresses (no cc but the To: field), it will send out showing...
Generate PDF from Deals Planned
Functionality logic is same as invoices PDF, possibility to create custom PDF template for Deals...
CRM plugin - filtering in Deals through Contacts labels
The labels on the Contacts are very useful.It would be more useful if the user could filter in ...
Custom Field Permissions Issue - People plugin
We are currently facing an issue related to Custom fields Users permissions in Redmine plugin Peo...
CRM plugin: Mandatory reason for "Closing Lost"
When a deal is lost, it is very useful to keep track of the reason.It would be very useful to h...
Reports shoudl work for projects and project lists too
Reports have to be able to generate not only for the issues and issue lists but for projects and ...
CRM Contacts: this contact does not belong to the company anymore
Sometimes a contact in a customer company moves to another company. After that, the new company b...
Reminder Features Helpdesk Plugin On review
Dear Team, Please add more features to the existing helpdesk plugin like Auto author Remind...
CRM + Products + Invoice plugins - connection between Deal - Order - Invoice
When a Sales representative is creating a Deal, they add multiple products. If that Deal is suc...
Reports should be able to manipulate custom fields
Currently reports only use built-in fields. Expanding them over to custom fields would be rather ...
CRM plugin - differentiate between sent email and received email
In the CRM plugin users can add Notes to Deals. This Notes can be categorized as Notes, Meetings,...
Helpdesk plugin: Add "To Address" condition to workflow automation rules to support custom handling of issues based on specific target mail address
We use Office 365 for our Exchange/Outlook communication, and we have tried to setup the Helpdesk...
CRM plugin - Ability to configure the default display columns if Table selected
The CRM plugin allows to set what is the default List Style when you first open the Deals view. T...
CMS plugin connecting form to Contacts in CRM plugin
It would be very useful to create a web page with the CMS plugin that includes a form to retrieve...
Questions Plugin - Allow for export function of the Help & Support entries
It would be nice to export to .csv, maybe also to .ods/.xls and/or *.pdf
CRM plugin - adding tags to multiple contacts as a bulk operation
Adding tags to contacts is a very useful feature.Sometimes that same tag applies to several con...
Redmine Circle Theme download link return 403
I tried to download Circle theme I got the e-m...
Add the original email .eml file to the attachments selection
Please add the original incoming mail .eml-File to the attachments selection, so it can be used w...
Agile Board: Save the selected Sprint with the custom query
I created a custom Redmine field for "Sprint Team" since we have multiple teams.I then create a...
Agile board: Add Custom fields to Swimlanes dropdown too
We added custom fields to our Redmine such as "Implementer".When an Implementer completed the t...
Error 500 for Redmine Agile-plugin when showing charts
I have installed Redmine Agile Light. I installed it on Redmine 4.0.5 on a Ubuntu 18.04. Whe...
Agile Plugin: Cannot search or load more issues from backlog column in Scrum Board (403 Forbidden)
When using the Scrum Board and enabling the backlog column one can observe that searching or load...
Paysera integration
Hello I would be useful to integrate Paysera online payments. Paysera provides online payment...
Display tags in Sprints tab on Backlog page
On the "Backlog" page, you can only show issue tags on the "Versions" tab but not on the "Sprints...
Add "closed on" date to issue view/edit page On review
I think could be useful to display on issue view/edit page the "closed on" date after "Start d...
Update Invoices via REST API Rejected
We know there is the possibility to create invoices via RestAPI and we are using it (https://www....
Invoices Plugin: auto populate rates
The invoices plugin allows to create invoices from issues.It would be much appreciated to get t...
Light resource plugin doesn't works
I got following errors with empty resource chart -- Can anyone help on it? Thanks. <pre>VM6...
Agile Kanban board partial page refresh
Problem: Currently, making changes to the Kanban board (assignee, priority, whatever) requires ...
CRM Plugin - ability to hide some default fields in Contacts
The Contacts in the CRM plugin include some fields by default.Some of them may not be useful to...
Plugin Budget - filter by activity time
Hello, suggested improvementsFilter the time spent by the budget plugin according to activity...
Auto-Submitted e-mails are ignored at the import
We are handling all e-mails of a specific mailbox in redmine using the Helpdesk plugin. The probl...
Helpdesk settings suddenly not loading
Any page with Helpdesk settings and getmail are no longer loading: Examples: ../proje...
Report creation for certain user groups or roles On review
I would like the feature to allow me to create and send reports only for certain user groups or r...