Test Free Redmine Demo by RedmineUP

 |  Sep 27, 23


No wonder, many people are not ready to invest money into a product they barely hear of. This is why they are looking for a test drive at no cost. .

Luckily, in Redmine’s case there is such an opportunity!

In this article, we are going to help you learn where you can download a free Redmine demo and how it might improve your team work. Make sure you read the post to the end and find the useful link to the RedmineUP demo!

With this article, you will learn the following:

What is Redmine?

Redmine is an open-source project management solution with thousands of admirers all over the world. The Ruby on Rails application enables teams to manage multiple tasks, control team performance and deliver projects on time.

The professional, highly customisable backends cover all the business stages from budgeting to technical support. However, they are not free and need to be purchased individually.


Where to Get a Free Redmine Demo

RedmineUP is the first commercial Redmine upgrade. The all-in-one solution represents its more enhanced version with a nice-looking design and a client-oriented approach. What is more, it contains the most wanted Redmine plugins packed in one tool.

Get access to the RedmineUP demo!


Agile Methodology

One of the most striking pro features that RedmineUP offers is the extended Agile functionality. All the methodologies empowered by a pack of efficient visual charts is what makes the Agile plugin so special. Use swimlanes to arrange and separate issues by parent tasks or assignees, plan sprints and limit the number of tasks with WIP Kanban metric. Project running has never been so easy!


RedmineUP Solutions

Extend your Redmine functionality with our solutions and services

Helpdesk Functionality

Helpdesk is fully integrated with the Redmine Issues and CRM plugin so that each issue also contains customer contact information and previous customer tickets. To make the support process smooth, RedmineUP also gives an opportunity to reply directly from the Issues page. Thanks to the RedmineUP Helpdesk, project managers are able to track team support performance with SLA metrics.


Finance Management

Budget and Invoices plugins are those that enable a user to track and automate his time-based and non-time-based costs. Moreover, our customers can rate their team based on the approval or disapproval of operations. Each income or expense can be assigned to a certain category so that you will have financial transparency as a result.


Professional Support

Our clients are always a top priority. With the understanding that time is precious, RedmineUP Cloud has developed the whole cycle of account management, which is confirmed by numerous high ratings and good comments on the official Redmine.org page. Our team is here to help you and make your Redmine experience smooth and cool.


RedmineUP Solutions

Extend your Redmine functionality with our solutions and services

Customizable Reports and Invoices

We all love Redmine for being highly customizable. It also applies to its brainchild RedmineUP. You can bill clients with custom reports and invoice templates. Add your logo, contact information, basically any field you need, and send them in PDF. It will take you only five minutes, because RedmineUP is using HTML-based templates coupled with Liquid markup language.


Shared File Storage

Folders structure enables to store files for all logged users. It is possible to set access permissions or select specific information that is available to read and download. This structure helps to keep organized all stored documents and share files safely.

Anyway, one look is worth a thousand words, so you can test the demo yourself. We are excited to give you access to the RedmineUP demo! It includes the most popular Redmine plugins wrapped in one project management system. Make your own conclusion!

Get access to the RedmineUP demo!

Customer story

With new [Redmine] functionalities and RedmineUP help, we were able to operatively steamed up our processes