Local RedmineUP Partners
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millepondo services GmbH & Co KG (Köln)
Die Digitalagentur millepondo services aus Köln ist Ihr kompetenter Ansprechpartner in allen Bereichen rund um das Thema Redmine. Ob Redmine Beratung, Hosting, Entwicklung, Plugins, Schulung, Konfiguration, Umzug, Datenschutz, Datensicherheit oder individuelles Serversetup. Wir bieten Ihnen als Fullservice Dienstleister alles aus einer Hand, damit Sie sich voll und ganz auf Ihr Kerngeschäft konzentrieren können.

Luis Blasco - Equippo (Spain)
We install and deploy Redmine for business process optimization in both service companies and manufacturing industries. We can work in-house or through the web. Our expertise ensures a succesful project with no extra costs or delayed terms.

VEBO.pl - New Software S.C. (Polska)
Company has been operating since 2007. We are committed to the sale and distribution of software from the best software development companies, and we have been trusted by over 20 000 customers. VEBO.pl has a selection of software for business, government, education and individual clients.
Latin America — LATAM Partner

Representamos a RedmineUP en América Latina. No dude en contactarnos en español. Também representamos RedmineUP no Brasil. Sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato conosco em português.
KaiZen2b is a consulting firm formed by renowned professionals in several areas of practice, thus making up a versatile and flexible team capable of identifying your real expectations and needs while offering practical and adaptable solutions. Processes: we design, optimize and audit appropriate processes for the area according to the relevant industry and targets. Technologies: we source, deploy and manage tools. Assistance and Implementation of business solutions and processes. People: Acting as agents of change to support customers management. Training and accompaniment to the staff to achieve a successful adoption.

Programmicat (Sofia)
We are a IT company on Bulgarian market, specializing in providing consultation, technical service, development and support for non-IT businesses and people who need to run an IT project.

Linksoft Inc. (New Taipei City)
Founded in 2007, Linksoft is a professional distributor and reseller in Taiwan and China. As a professional software provider, Linksoft cooperates with global outstanding IT industries, reselling thousands of software includes Statistical Analysis, Development Program, Database Management, Network Security, Design and Edit software.

Tegara Corporation
Founded in 1991, Tegara Corporation is a sales agency of computer and industrial products, that support activities for promotion of Research and Development. We are also committed to providing the best tailor made computer manufacturing service for our customers, mainly, universities, research institutes and large companies in Japan.
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