Modernize and Upgrade your Redmine

Discover all features and benefits from RedmineUP plugins

Integrated for performance

Our plugins are tightly connected with each other, to give you access to all information

For international business

All plugins support multiple currencies for international business operations

Adjust to your processes and needs

Personalize various settings, templates, workflows, fields, and design for your needs

Agile Project Management

Keep projects under control – from software to civil engineering

SCRUM and Kanban Boards

You can move card with tasks between the statuses, assignees, sprints or projects. Suitable for SCRUM and Kanban teams

Drag & Drop Sprint Planner

Narrow down the task with filters and then easily assign and re-assign tasks to even multiple Sprint or Backlog at one screen

Use Story Points to estimate effort

Estimate a required amount of work or complexity of the tasks with Story Points. Then predefine values to be selected from a dropdown list

Subcolumns and Swim-lanes

Set up clear vertical and horizontal categorization of tasks based on status, priority or assignee

Work In Progress (WIP) Limits

Keep workload under control for optimal workflow with Kanban WIP metric

Tag issues

Tags helps you to additionally organize and categorize issues. Tags are displayed on task cards

Do a quick search

Type keyword, name of teammate or any other phrase, to see highlighted cards matching given query

Add tasks and notes on the board

You can create new issues and add comments to tasks directly on the Agile board

CRM for managing clients

Manage clients, tasks, communications and sales

Contacts and companies profiles

See complete information from other plugins—issues, orders, products, tickets or projects in which a given contact shows up

Track history with notes

Add notes and files to contacts, as well as information of a type of contact (phone, email, meeting) and tags

Sales Opportunities

Create Deals and assign the probability to estimate your income. You can track them on multiple views, includig Agile-like boards

Send emails

You can send e-mails from Redmine with files attachments and macros to auto-populate certain fields

See related Issues

On the side column you'll see Issues in which contact is involved, history of correspondence and projects

Use Sales Funnel

Use Deal statuses to create your sales pipeline and track income at every stage of it

Easy Import/Export

You can include Redmine fields from contact card and custom fields to import or export contact information

New custom fields

CRM adds new type of custom field type – Contacts and Companies. Learn how to use it on our blog

Integrate Redmine CRM with MailChimp

Data from Redmine fields in MailChimp

Use the data from your Redmine to segment your subscribers and personalize your message

See MailChimp stats in Redmine

For each contact you will see general statistics, lists to which they belong, emails they received, what actions they took

Helpdesk for an outstanding Customer Support

Automate and digitalize your support


Set up personalized autoresponder with text styling and auto-populating macros

See client profiles

See all data from CRM plugin, such as contact information, tags, background and support tickets

Ticketing System

Helpdesk Plugin turns emails, issues, and widget messages into support tickets

Use ticket macros in reply

You can use macros such as ticket ID, name of the agent to automatically fill the data on reply

Canned Responses

For frequently asked questions, build reply templates and later select them from dropdown list

Helpdesk Widget with API

Enable sending messages with some pre-populated fields from any page inside / outside of Redmine

SLA Metrics and Report

Track performance with SLA metrics: Avg. first response time, a number of replies needed to close the ticket and ticket closing time

Satisfaction ratings

Let clients rate your employees' with simple ratings comments. Track satisfaction with report

Read email mark

Helpdesk adds small pixel to sent messages, so you will see if the recipient have read your message

Automatic tickets closing

Set up an interval after which resolved issues without reply can be automatically closed

E-mail dropbox for all issues

You can add notes and files by sending emails to specific email auto-assigned to a ticket

E-mail sorting automation rules

Helpdesk sorts incoming and outgoing emails automatially according to given conditions

Checklists to make fewer subtasks

Manage and categorise tasks easier

Checklist Templates

You can create a public or private checklists template to save time

Default templates for Tracker

It can be automatically added to new issues in a single or all trackers

Easy item edit

You can add, edit or delete the checklists items with one click

History of changes

All changes made to a checklist are stored in an issue log history

Apply text styling

You can Use default Redmine text formatting and styling such as colors

Include macros and link issues

Link issues in the checklist items or use macros from different plugins to auto-fill data

Zenedit for collaboration

Mention colleagues, work easier and safer with text

Full-screen text editing

Edit any text areas across Redmine without distractions in a full-screen mode, with two color themes

Auto-saving text drafts

Zenedit saves the drafts of your text every 30 seconds and display them when you return to the page

Mention and notify users

Notify your teammates or stakeholders the same way as in social media. They will get an email notification

Share Issue details with Reporter

Safe and beatiful reports from tasks

Create printable reports

Reporter plugin let you create reports from single or multiple issues, that include issue and custom fields, time spent, and notes

Use given and custom teplates

Use out-of-the-box report templates or code your own in just a few minutes

Email, share by link or attach

Easily share the report or Issue related information withouth the data/privacy concers— by email from Redmine, by safe public link or by attaching it to the task

Resouces Management

Book and manage your resource allocation

Resources bookings chart

Use a chart to see who's working on what and when and schedule time for tasks on the go

"My Page" Widget

See your weekly schedule with allocation of time on tasks and projects and control your time

Individual time tracking

Schedule when your employeess have days off and Resource plugin will take this into estimation

Global and project charts

Resources charts can be activated for a project or entire Redmine. It gives tooltips with resource statistics

Allocation on spot

Manage bookings from the chart. Filter the tasks or assigneed easily. Check color workload indicators

Control releases

Resources displays version due date on the charts, so you won't miss your deadlines

People plugin

Rates, personel management and individual performance

Add Avatars

Add avatars to finally see who is who in your team

Detailed user cards

See all user-related information: contact details, birthday, notes, files, issues where the person is involved

Work experience

Add your employee work experience on previous positions or projects for better resources allocation

Team Grouping

Group your employees into teams or departments for an overview and permissions management

Managers and subordinates

Desgnate managers to give them additional rights to edit and update subordinates

Elastic permissions

Assign permissions to an individual user, a group of users or a department

Notifications and reminders

Set popup notification, reminders or warnings to a particular page, group of users or all company

Hide system users

You can hide users such as admins from the general employee lists

Tags and filters

Use tags and filters to easier find the right people

Costs and Billable rates

Enter internal and external hourly rates to calculate salaries, project costs, and billables. You can add a start and end date for the rates

Performance graph

See hw many hours person worked per day. Plugin takes into account the length of the employee's day, holidays and weekends

Calendar with holidays

Helps your employees to be up-to-date with current work schedule. The calendar shows regular working days, holidays and birthdays

Questions and answers

Use forums with advanced discussion features

Add FAQ Sections

Let users post questions, comment and discuss them and vote for the best one. Best rated stay on top. Select the best answer in discussion

Knowledge Bases

Build self-help repository of knowledge for your company. Users can rate and comment the content. You can lock it from interactions

Idea reporting sections

Users can report ideas with attachements, to then discuss and rate them. You can apply statuses for ideas

Vote answers

Every user can vote for the reply up or down. The best-rated answer stays on the top. Select the best answer as solution to the question

Use tags

Use tags to organize and categorize the content of your wikis, FAQs, Q&A and other sections

Featured questions

Mark a question or answer as featured, to make it stay on the top of the list and be easier to find

Invoices, Quotes, Estimates

Easily adjustable to different countries' regulations

Bill time entries

Select time entries and create a new invoice. Group entries by activities, users, and issues

Recurring invoices

Set up and manage recurring invoices, with automatic documents generation and sending

Taxes and discounts

For each item you can include tax or discount, taking into account different tax for different countries

Customisable PDF-reports

Design invoice templates and use them to generate PDF reports with any necessary information

Invoices, bills, quotes, estimates

Once you created an invoice, you can generate it, download and send PDF-report to your client

Multiple units

Apart from currencies, you can add mileage, time entries, quantity of products and other custom entries

Automatic translation

You can change your invoice design with a single click to adjust to the different language or market


Use expenses to keep a track of all the non-time based investments

Relations with operations

Link your invoices with financial transactions for transparency

Share invoices by secure links

After generating the PDF bill you can share a safe link to clients. They can see the bill and it by PayPal

Send my email

Share invoices by email including macros for auto-population of invoice data

Include Products

Products plugin is integrated to let you add products and fill the price or description automatically

Finances and Accountings

Overview on your company's finances

Multiple accounts

Assign and manage any number of accounts

Hierarchy and categories

Set up categories to see and track payment as individual operations or categories

Calendar of payments

Plan your company’s finances and payments in a calendar. Accounts won’t be affected until the due date

Relations between operations

Set relationships between individual transactions and invoices. Track different type of payments

Operations approval

Bulk edit operations to quickly set approval or disapproval status

Products Plugin

Your products and orders at glance

Products and order lists

See and bulk-manage lists of your products or orders with applied taxes and discounts

Advanced grouping

Create categories and multi-level subcategories to group your offer

Custom order workflow

Add your order and delivery statuses to create a workflow and process them faster

API access

Place products list on external sites and later manage them inside Redmine with mass edit. They'll refresh automatically

Integrated with Issues, Deals, Invoices

Save time on entering the same data over and over. Keep your projects info synchronized

Over 150 000 companies from 120 countries use RedmineUP plugins, themes and services
Compal Electronics
Deutsche Telekom
Schneider Electic

Benefits and Features of Free Redmine Plugins

Organize your projects with Favourite Projects

Highlight crucial projects

Mark your most important projects as favorite to find them on the top and in a separate list

Arrange project dashboard

See all projects in clean table card view and as a jump-box dropdown list in a right-top corner

Build pages and websites with CMS

WordPress—like pages

Create layouts, page templates, reusable code snippets, menus and more to design functional and responsive websites

CSS, HTML, Liquid

Combine all three technologies to build modern and beautiful pages

Reusable Code Snippets

You can create a piece of code or files to be re-used as a one-line command in the code. Work faster and quicker

Organize and categorize tasks with Tags

Tag Issues

Use tags to arrange and categorize issues, as well as let your users find relevant tasks faster

Three Display Modes

Display tags as a list or one of two versions of word cloud

What users are saying about RedmineUP plugins?

Came out of freaking nowhere and is already the most professional-looking and crisp of the board plugins.

Joshua DeClercq
rating from

A must have if using Redmine for customer support. REST API makes integration easy. Fast and helpful plugin support.

Carl Schmitt
rating from

Works perfectly. Functionality is awesome! We couldn't imagine Redmine without this plugin anymore in our company.

Christoph Romer
rating from

Best plugin for Agile, Scrum or Kanban project management.

Luis Blasco
rating from

Very useful plugin with friendly interface and good functions to manage your customer relationships and invoices. The support is very good - fast response and professional attitude.

Plam Sim
rating from

Simply amazing. Very recommended.

Aiyra - (
rating from

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