New features in Redmine CRM plugin
See what's new in the latest versions of our CRM plugin
New Features
New contact selection field
We replaced the contact selection field for select2 control, which allows you to search for contacts and companies conveniently. It retains the same appearance on all Redmine’s forms fields. In the next step, we will add this field to the filters in the task lists as well as in the other objects associated with contacts and companies.

Deals Integration with products
The deal can now include the line with the product, its description, quantity, its price and information about taxes and discounts. The total amount of the deal will be concluded as a sum of the data in the product rows. What is more, you can use additional custom fields to store any supplementary data. We added new filters to be able to select the transactions that contain certain products or services.

Import of contacts and deals
Now you can import contacts from CSV files. It uses the standard Redmine mechanism, which lets you use corresponding Redmine fields from contact card and custom user fields.

Sales Funnel
The sales funnel helps you to find problems in the work of a certain employee or performance of the whole department. For example, on which step you "leak" the biggest part of the sales pipeline, who's responsible for this, and also what kind of result you can expect at the end of the period.

Deals board
Kanban board of deals makes your work cristal clear and lets you prognose expectable results. Both manager and leader of the Sales Department can easily trace active deals and deals that are stuck at some phase of the sales funnel.

Type of Company field
For Issues you can now add a custom field that is connected with the Issues from CRM. This field tells you the type of company and its relation to your business - like, for example "Contractor", "Supplier" and so on.
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