This troubleshooting guide will teach you how to return back the color option for the right-click menu in the Issues section.
Description of the problem
Please make sure that the Agile plugin is enabled for the project where you are in. Then go to the Issues section and right-click on a random issue. Then the Color option is appearing to you.
To fix this problem, please go to Administration (on top) - Plugins - Agile - General tab. Here, you have to set the Colored by option to be with value Issue.
And then, when you go back to the Issues section and right-click on an issue, the Color possibility will be returned back. So, you are able now to select a particular color for this issue.
Video demonstration
Note: Please keep in mind that the video below is about returning back the color option on the right-click menu on the Agile board itself. But the result is absolutely the same for the Issue section as well.