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We cut 50% off all plugins prices during our anniversary celebration

Printing contacts and deals

Printing contacts

The following guide will show you how to print the Contacts (from the CRM plugin) using the Reporter plugin.

Note: Please note that for this feature, you have to install the Contacts (CRM) plugin first.

Since CRM version 4.3.0 issue-contact and issue-deal relation model moved to Custom fields. More information about this feature could be checked in this article.

Let's take a look at the following code example:

{% assign issue_contacts = issue | custom_field: "Contacts" | join: ', ' %}
<b>Contacts: </b><span>{{ issue_contacts }}</span>

It will print these contacts from the issue:


In the following way to the report:


Video demonstration for printing contacts

Printing deals

In a similar way, you can print, also the deals of the CRM plugin and Redmine issue.

Code to be used as an example:

{% assign issue_deals = issue | custom_field: "Deals" | join: ', ' %}
<b>Deals: </b><span>{{ issue_deals }}</span>

So, we have this issue with deals in it:


And the result of printing is:


Video demonstration for printing deals

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