REST API Expenses

Listing expenses

GET /expenses.xml

Returns a paginated list of expenses.


Parameter Type Description
project_id integer/string get expenses from the project with the given id
status_id integer get expenses by status with the given id
search string get expenses with the given search string


GET /expenses.xml 
GET /expenses.xml?project_id=2 
GET /expenses.xml?search=crm 

Paging example: 
GET /expenses.xml?project_id=testproject&page=1
GET /expenses.xml?project_id=testproject&page=2


<expenses total_count="2" offset="0" limit="25" type="array">
    <description>Windows 7 license</description>
    <project id="11" name="Redmine Invoices plugin demo"/>
    <status id="2" name="New"/>
    <contact id="11" name="Apple Inc."/>
    <author id="4" name="Smith Paul"/>
    <assigned_to id="11" name="Kutcher Ashtonddd"/>
    <description>Hosting for 2012 year</description>
    <project id="11" name="Redmine Invoices plugin demo"/>
    <status id="3" name="Billed"/>
    <contact id="11" name="Apple Inc."/>
    <author id="4" name="Smith Paul"/>
    <assigned_to id="9" name="Pong Steven"/>

Showing an expense

GET /expenses/[id].xml


GET /expenses/2.xml
GET /expenses/2.json


    <description>Hosting for 2012 year</description>
    <project id="11" name="Redmine Invoices plugin demo"/>
    <status id="3" name="Billed"/>
    <contact id="11" name="Apple Inc."/>
    <author id="4" name="Smith Paul"/>
    <assigned_to id="9" name="Pong Steven"/>

Creating an expense

POST /expenses.[format]


  • expense - A hash of the expense attributes:
    • expense_date
    • currency
    • price
    • description
    • project_id
    • status_id
    • contact_id
    • author_id
    • assigned_to_id
    • is_billable
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