Set Issue Trackers

Administration > Trackers

Trackers are used to define issue types. Every issue is bound to a specific tracker.

Three trackers are predefined in Redmine: Bug, Feature, and Support.


Administrators can create additional trackers (go to New tracker).


To create a new tracker, type a name and choose a default status for issues (options are New, In Progress, Resolved, Feedback, Closed, and Rejected as well as any new Issue status created by administrators).

Choose if issues bound to this tracker will be displayed in the Roadmap and select Standard fields for the new tracker. Default status and Standard fields will be valid for all new issues bound to this tracker. Select projects from the list where the new tracker is to be used (in unselected projects, the new tracker won’t be visible).

Use Copy workflow from (select another tracker) for faster Workflow setting. Tracker workflow is where Roles have defined permissions for changing status of issues bound to this tracker. See how to modify Workflow here .

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